(3) The provisions of § 23-1322(d) and (h) shall apply to this subsection. (2) If there is probable cause to believe that while on release, the person committed a dangerous or violent crime, as defined by § 23-1331, or a substantially similar offense under the laws of any other jurisdiction, a rebuttable presumption arises that no condition or combination of conditions will assure the safety of any other person or the community. (ii) The person is unlikely to abide by a condition or conditions of release. (i) Based on the factors set out in § 23-1322(e), there is no condition or combination of conditions of release which will reasonably assure that the person will not flee or pose a danger to any other person or the community or (ii) Clear and convincing evidence that the person has violated any other condition of his release and (i) Probable cause to believe that the person has committed a federal, state, or local crime while on release or No order of revocation and detention shall be entered unless, after a hearing, the judicial officer: A warrant for the arrest of a person charged with violating a condition of release may be issued by a judicial officer and if such person is outside the District of Columbia he shall be brought before a judicial officer in the district where he is arrested and shall then be transferred to the District of Columbia for proceedings in accordance with this section. (b) (1) Proceedings for revocation of release and temporary placement in custody may be initiated at the request of the Pretrial Services Agency, on motion of the prosecutor, or on the court’s own motion. (a-1) In addition to any other penalty provided under this section, a person may be fined an amount not more than the amount set forth in. (a) A person who has been conditionally released pursuant to section 23-1321 and who has violated a condition of release shall be subject to revocation of release, an order of detention, including an order of temporary detention pursuant to subsections (d-1) and (e) of this section, and prosecution for contempt of court.

Penalties for violation of conditions of release.